Psoriasis and Eczema

If you are like most people, then even the word “rash” will make you want to scratch your skin, until it is as red as an apple. Generally, a rash is nothing to be worried about and can be a sign of weather changes or skin dehydration, but it can cause discomfort and stress. A blotchy skin is undesirable to say the least. However, most people don’t know the difference between an itchy blotchy mark or a simple red blotchy mark. They have no way of identifying what their skin condition is and how it can be treated. There are specific signs to identify and differentiate between four most common rashes and how they can be treated accordingly.

Here is a comprehensive explanation for each one of them, so that the next time you have a red, unseemly mark on your skin, you can think less about scratching it and more about treating it properly.


This skin condition is the king of all rashes and if you ask around, most people have suffered from eczema at some point in their lives. The itchiness caused by eczema rashes can cause a lot of frustration and irritation. The most common type of such skin condition is known as Atopic Eczema, which is basically the inflammation of skin and can start as early as your childhood. Eczema episodes can occur in cycles or episodes, separate by periods and flaring up now and again. If your skin is red and inflamed in faded patches, all over the skin then you are suffering from eczema. It is better to leave it alone and not to scratch it too much, as it can become infected, after which painful sores or blisters can form, that can secrete fluids or exhibit a wet area on the infected place. The more you scratch, the more this red area will grow in size. This condition generally affects elbows, wrists, armpits and the back of the knees and on the face in some cases, in the form of dry, scaly and rough patches. Although, there is no particular cure to treat eczema, steroid ointments and emollient creams are prescribes to alleviate its symptoms.

Irritated Contact Dermatitis

Eczema is a type of dermatitis; therefore, other types of dermatitis also hold the same kind of properties. Dermatitis is divided into two categories. Atopic eczema occurs when there are irregularities inside the body or hormonal misbalance and irritated contact dermatitis is caused by any external agent that affects the outside layer of the skin. If an external agent reacts badly with the skin, a recurring rash can form in the form of a red blotchy spot. Sometimes, it can cause a blister. There are various substances that can cause this type of a rash, such as soaps, detergents, bleach, washing liquids, chemicals, acids and alkali substances, plants (clematis, hellebore etc.), petrol, oil or chlorine water, especially if your skin is sensitive and has been in the water for long periods of time. This type of rash is usually found on hands.

Lichen Planus Rash

This kind of rash is quite itchy in nature, and will make you want to scratch it, until it starts bleeding. It can be found near genitals, mouth, nails and hair. The cause of this rash is unknown; however, there are certain symptoms that you can lookout for. Small red bumps, that are characteristically flat and shiny and vary in size, can be a sure sign of Lichen Planus rash. They can be found near the mouth and on the tongue and can develop a white streak on top of the red bumps. If left untreated, they can also be a cause for baldness or loss of hair. Most of the time these symptoms are mild, but they can be treated by antihistamine drugs that can reduce itchiness. The physician can also prescribe steroid creams, tablets or mouthwashes, in case of severe cases and ulcers. More information can be found here.


This is another kind of rash, which can occur at the same time as chronic plaque psoriasis, between the ages of 15 to 30. There are specific symptoms of psoriasis, such as red patches that can be easily differentiated due to their pink or red colors, with white flaky scales on top of them. This condition usually targets the knees, scalp, elbows and lower back. Most of the time, scalp psoriasis may seem like a severe case of dandruff or flexural psoriasis that is a smooth rash and does not itch. Nevertheless, both these conditions should be treated the same way by introducing antihistamine drugs or creams into your routine, until these symptoms are alleviated.

These characteristics about most common rashes can help you identify them and treat them properly. The next time you notice a red bump on your skin, refrain from slapping on moisturizer or cold ice to alleviate the itchiness and consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.